Why your business needs to pay attention to the influencers

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Why your business needs to pay attention to the influencers

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Look, I know we sit here and roll our eyes at the “influencers”. They post pictures of their outfits in the mirrors, their coffee dates, their brand partnerships, and their workout routines and we scoff…  that’s not how you run a real business, like we do..

but we see the amount of likes, comments, & followers they get and wonder what they are doing that can grow that type of audience, when we’re posting on the daily with value-packed content to help our followers get all the wins, and yet we’re hearing crickets.

The thing is, these influencers are actually using a really SMART and STRATEGIC content strategy that calls in their dream audience, builds a relationship with them, and establishes trust, which is why their followers will buy the products they recommend and use their affiliate links, no questions asked.

So what exactly are they doing that us entrepreneurs aren’t? Let’s break it down



Clearly, based on their devoted fan-base, these influencers know how to attract followers. Laugh and scoff all you want when you see them in the real world, taking pictures at coffee shops or in the street, but know that they’re not stupid. They’re not doing that because it makes them feel “cool” or because it’s “fun”. They are doing it because they know that’s what their followers WANT. That’s what their dream audience is looking for. Whether it’s a trend, a lifestyle, or specific topic, they are very aware of what their dream followers want from them, and they deliver.



This is a huge part in their content strategy and it’s how they can get all the likes and comments you dream of. They use the bff effect in their content to attract, nurture, & covert their followers into paying clients (and yes, despite what you’re probably thinking, if their followers use their affiliate links or view their sponsored posts, they ARE indeed paying clients). So what is the bff effect? Well, just like the name implies, the influencers are creating content that makes their followers feel like the influencer is their close bff without ever actually meeting them in real life. From posting the behind the scenes of their life, to more vulnerable or personal content, it’s THAT type of content that makes their followers feel more connected to the influencer, which establishes trust and forms a relationship. Then when it comes time to sell, the influencer is viewed as a trusted source in the followers’ eyes, so when they recommend a product, it’s a no brainer to get it, because of that trusting relationship.



This one is pretty self explanatory. They aren’t afraid to ask for the sale. Often, us entrepreneurs are afraid to sell, terrified we’re going to look spammy or salesy, so we mention our offer once a month (if ever) and then get frustrated when we’re not converting clients on social. We need to take some cues from these influencers because these babes are not afraid to sell. They believe in the products they're promoting (or at least I hope they do), and they mention it as often as they need to. They have a busy content schedule led by contracts with brands and products where they have to post so many times per week/month about a product or share their code or link. So why are we not holding ourselves to this standard in our businesses?

Trust me, I get the whole serve, serve, serve, sell method of content marketing (and I always stand by that), but that doesn’t mean we can’t also make offers daily and get creative with how we present them. This is something the influencers do really well. They get creative with how they offer their links, codes, or products, from stories, reels, feed, and some even in vlogs, blogs, pinterest, etc. So let’s take a page from their book and start getting creative with our offers and fearlessly share our products & services.



Okay before we wrap up this convo, I need to address one major misconception that most entrepreneurs bring up when we talk about influencers… “How can I use their methods when I have such a small following? Don’t you need at least that standard 10K followers and swipe up feature to use their strategies?” And back in the day yeah, that was true, but it’s 2020 - literally the year where absolutely anything can happen (clearly.). You can literally BE a full time influencer with less than 2K followers. Your follower count isn’t what determines success anymore. It’s the QUALITY of your followers. If you have the right followers who are loving what you have to offer, and are warmed up to trust you and have the problem you’re offering the solution to, you can easily make $$$$ from a really small following. So focus on warming up that audience instead of growing to 10K!


Clearly, it’s time that us business owners stop wondering and start learning these influencer marketing strategies and how we can modify and apply them to our business on social. 

That’s why I created the free Business of Influencing webinar!


 📱The strategies to borrow from influencers that will massively grow your business on social media (and the ones to avoid at all costs)

📱Why “you need more followers” is a lie and what you need instead to monetize your audience (no matter how big or small)

📱Why your current content isn’t working and the secret you need to make it work

📱The ONE thing you can do right now to start converting clients

📱The mistakes that will cost you THOUSANDS of dollars, HUNDREDS of hours, and what you can do to avoid them & be wildly successful

it’s time to learn how to grow on instagram like the influencers do, without having to be one. So click the link to get instant access to the free on-demand webinar and I’ll see you there!

Get instant access to the free webinar here>>> [ https://iamcourtneyjo.com/businessofinfluencing ]


about the blogger

Hey babe! I’m Courtney Jo! I’m a content creator who coaches babes in biz on how to create their dream life of freedom through content creation, business, and mindset! I’m also an award winning, nationally recognized portrait photographer and I sling some amazing natural hair and skin care products on the side that has changed my confidence and life!w


binge the recent posts


I’m Courtney Jo! A business coach, podcaster, photographer and shampoo slinger, with a goal to help boss babes create their dream life through content creation & marketing!
xoxo, Courtney Jo


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