Join me on the Road to Rebrand

Join me on the Road to Rebrand

I have been pretty quiet on here and on all socials because I have been hard at work behind the scenes dreaming up a new project that is honestly, one of the most massive projects I’ve ever even contemplated diving into…and that’s exactly what I wanted to talk to you about today! 

Because with this project I want to do things a little differently. Over the years I’ve noticed one trend in the online entrepreneur space that I don’t care for: perfection. More specifically, appearing as though you have it all together online, making everything seem so effortless, perfectly falling into place overnight, while behind the scenes you’re running on an hour of sleep, trying to keep all the various dumpster fires contained within their own dumpsters instead of combining into a mega landfill fire…. Ya know what I mean? I’m sick of the curated perfection and sweeping the raw, real, unedited imperfection under the rug.

That’s why with this project, I’ve decided I’m not going to do a perfectly curated launch period, like I teach a lot of people how to do. No, this time, I’m showing the real journey in the making of the project, bringing you along for the entire process. You’re not just taking a peek through my office window to watch me work like a creeper… no, I'm inviting you right on in, handing you a hot cup of coffee, and pulling up a chair for you right in front of my desk for a front row seat to the shit show that is running a business as a solo entrepreneur tackling the biggest project they’ve ever encountered! So what is this project? Let’s chat about it. 


The Project Reveal: I’m Rebranding!

Okay so are you ready for the reveal right away? The massive project I’m working on is… *drumroll on desk*.. I’m rebranding! AGAIN! I promise though, this isn’t just about updating my brand colors or creating a new logo. This need to rebrand runs freaking deep.

I have been hiding for years, behind wanting the “perfect’ brand for my target audience. I wanted a brand that looked like the other pros. I wanted a brand that spoke directly to my ideal clients, so I made it trendy, I made it what THEY wanted, I made it and changed it over the years to be what OTHER people wanted it to be,  and you know what ? I lost myself in the process. Like hello! I AM THE DAMN BRAND! And yet my brand is NOTHING like me. I have learned over the years that I’m multi-passionate as hell, which was reaffirmed when I found out my human design profile is a manifesting generator. Us mani-gen bitches want to do it alllll, and we freaking will!  The issue is, EVERYONE told me I had to niche down, focus on one thing, be happy & bubbly, act more professional (because who in their right mind would invest in a business owner that openly swears a lot? Gasp. shock. The horror!). I was even told I had to put myself in a tiny box and only do one thing because that was “easier to understand”. You wanna guess what happened?

My brand ended up being a confused piece of hot garbage for years! I would switch it up every year because I was focused on another aspect of my business I wanted to bring to life, but I had to niche down, and my previous brand didn’t fit my new passion so out it went, and into the world was born another confused brand that revolved around my new “niche” and what everyone else thought it should be. I finally hit a wall this year and realized : wow, this sucks ass. Fuck your niche down plan. It’s clearly not working for me so it’s time to bet on myself and do what I’ve been envisioning for years.

Creating a brand that focuses on my main overarching passion and encompasses all of my skills and business ideas in a visual experience that gives off creative, badass,  light & love, dark & deep, can’t fuck with me energy. It’s time to finally create a brand that screams Courtney Jo. No more hiding. No more playing it safe. No more keeping myself small to fit into the mold others have put me in. It’s time to show the world exactly who the hell Courtney Jo really is. 

Let’s do this, MTV’s “Making the Video” style

Now here’s the thing: I’ve done rebrands in the past and I’ve launched a lot of things before with your typical launch period, but this project feels different. I wanted to do something way out of the norm and my comfort zone with this project so instead of working on it silently behind the scenes for months and then launching it with the perfect marketing strategy, I’m bringing you along with me and we’re gonna have fun with it! So here’s my crazy idea:

Yes I’m doing a full rebrand, including my website, online shop, logo, colors, fonts, podcast, content, social media, courses, marketing collateral - all that typical stuff) BUT we’re doing this old school MTV style in the form of one of my favorite shows from their past: Making the video. Do you guys remember this show? Where you would follow a celebrity on the journey to how their music video is made, getting to see all the cool behind the scenes stuff like greenscreens and set design, and then they would have the world premiere of the final music video at the end of the show before it ever hit TRL? If you have no clue what I’m talking about, they have full episodes of it on Youtube, go check it out because that is some MTV gold right there!

Anyway, I always LOVED this show and told myself if I could ever find a way to incorporate that level of “behind the scenes” realness into my business, I would do it sometime. Well I checked the calendar and turns out someday is actually today! So I’m bringing you along on the ENTIRE rebranding journey in the form of a behind the scenes documentary “making the brand” vlog series!

The “online entrepreneur” industry needs more transparency

The biggest reason I chose to approach a massive rebrand project in this way goes way beyond trying to recreate my favorite TV show of my preteen years. I wanted to go the “behind the scenes, making of” style because more business owners need to see the WORK that goes into this! Like, this shit doesn’t happen overnight. Also I want to be someone who shows you the REAL behind the scenes of what this looks like. I have only seen a handful of people share what the actual process of launching and completing a big project like this looks like and I think this messy type of process needs to be more normalized.

It’s okay to change your mind halfway through. It’s normal to hit roadblocks. It’s accurate timing for projects like this to take months instead of the effortless overnight success a lot of people like to pretend to be. We need more realness in the online business space, from business owner to business owner, to create a stronger community. Fuck the unspoken competition. Fuck the need for an IG aesthetic. Fuck your perfection and curated presence. There is nothing perfect or aesthetic or curated about running a business most days. And maybe just maybe if more of us admitted that and showed it, more entrepreneurs and business owners would feel free to show up for their business on social media, online or even in person, unapologetically as themselves instead of waiting until they feel their brand or image is perfect or ready. 

So get ready for a bumpy ride because I’m bringing you along on this journey, for every high and low, as I completely rebrand my business and myself to FINALLY show the world who the hell I truly am and how I can help other women grow their businesses online THEIR way!

Follow along with the series on Youtube

So let’s get into the details quick! Here’s how it’s going down: The video series will be posted on youtube! I’ll be showing you the entire process of rebranding my business as a solopreneur with no team and no one else helping me on this project. Not only will I be showing you the behind the scenes looks, but I’m also going to be teaching you along the way so you can apply what you need to your own business!

I’ll be going over my business & product development plans, how I create my brand & mission, moodboard creation, my specific “Road to Rebrand” process so you can copy it if you want or need to, my new marketing strategy, and of course all the more “fun” stuff like creating my website mockups using Canva, creating my new brand’s flagship product, my new brand photoshoot (and how you can have your own high end brand shoot at home without a photographer), how to edit your photos, and the website creation process!

At the end: rebrand launch & massive giveaway for you!

Finally at the end, just like the original series showed the final cut of the music video, I’ll show you the final results of the entire rebrand project, but I’m not stopping at just one little video. Oh no, we’re fucking celebrating with an entire premiere WEEK, with the full brand reveal AND an entire week of giveaways for a specific part of the new rebrand that I briefly mentioned: my new flagship product!

Curious? Here’s the exclusive first look : this new product will be an entirely new membership that will give you EVERYTHING you need to create your marketing content faster than ever while looking better than the content you dream of creating if you only had the time or skill! More on that later in the series, though!

Road to Rebrand series details

So when is this happening?: the first 2 videos go live on November 15th 2021 on my youtube channel, which you can follow along with right here >>> ( and there will be, for the foreseeable future, 2 videos per week until the last week of December which is launch week!!

So make sure you go subscribe to the youtube channel that way you don’t miss an episode of the series, & get ready because we’re about to go on quite the virtual road trip together as I bring you along on the Road to Rebrand!


I’m Courtney Jo! A business coach, podcaster, photographer and shampoo slinger, with a goal to help boss babes create their dream life through content creation & marketing!
xoxo, Courtney Jo


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Hey babe! I’m Courtney Jo! I’m a content creator who coaches babes in biz on how to create their dream life of freedom through content creation, business, and mindset! I’m also an award winning, nationally recognized portrait photographer and I sling some amazing natural hair and skin care products on the side that has changed my confidence and life!w


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