What is your social media content strategy?

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What is your social media content strategy?

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I wanted to chat with you about something that took me quite a while to learn and it’s something that I realized a lot of YOU are dealing with when running your business on social media. And that’s your social content strategy. Maybe you already have one or maybe you have no clue what the hell I’m even talking about, but odds are whether you realize it or not, you’re creating your social  content with some type of strategy in mind. The question is, is it the right strategy and is your content aligned with your strategy to reach your goals? So let’s jump in and break this all down from the beginning



So first let’s chat about what IS a social media content strategy? Because often times we’re just on social for the sake of being on there, posting just to post, because we’re told it’s what we have to do for our business. & don’t get me wrong, Having an audience on social and getting more followers is great - but once they click that follow button, what’s next? How do you want to take the relationship further and get them into your sales funnel? Get them interested in your business?

 So This is the strategy you use to create your social media content so that it drives progress towards a certain goal. In other words, it’s WHY you’re creating your content. Yes, we’re all creating posts on social media to get more followers, get more engagement, and grow our businesses, but that’s super high level. That’s like saying a goal in business is to make money. Of course it is, that’s what a business does. A social media content strategy looks a little deeper, beyond those general goals, and focuses on reaching more specific goals in your business. So what are some of these common goals? Here’s a few: getting more people on your email list, increasing your website or blog traffic, launching a product or service, getting more membership sign ups, getting more clicks on your affiliate links. 

When we have these more specific goals in mind, it will shape the content we create. So your current content might be geared towards those generic desires of people leaving comments, creating brand recognition, growing awareness for your business, or just sharing behind the scenes looks at your brand, but with a content strategy in place, your content will now be created with your specific goal in mind.

If you’re trying to grow your email list, your content would start to look more like: promoting your freebie, sharing little snippets of email gold you’re sending to your list, talking about the problem that your freebie solves, or sharing about blog posts that will lead them to your freebie.

If you’re launching a product or service, your content would start to look more like: establishing your authority on the topic that your product/service is about, sharing benefits of your offer, sharing social proof of your offer to let your audience know that people ARE seeing results or loving it, talking about the problem your product/service solves, explaining the outcomes your followers will experience with your product/service, and leading them to content such as blogs or freebies that will allow them to enter into your sales funnel for the product or service you’re launching.

Those are just a few examples, there are obviously more than that, but you get the idea and i think you can see from those examples just how powerful a content strategy can be when it comes to actually growing your business and hitting your business goals.




Okay so now that we know what a content strategy is, let’s take a look at yours and see if your content is aligned, because a lot of the times, they’re not aligned at all! First I want you to really get honest with yourself and figure out WHY you’re on social media. How are you hoping to get your audience into your sales funnel or your business? How can you take your relationship to the next level? Like I said, for you this might look like getting people onto your email list, getting them to visit a page on your website, going to your shop, buying an item of your IG (if you have that shopping feature set up). If you are someone like an influencer who doesn’t need to take people off of the platform, then your goal might look a little different, like getting more views on a sponsored post, getting more traffic onto your partnering brand’s website, getting your specific affiliate link clicked or code used. Take a minute or two to figure out what it is that you WANT out of social media. WHY are you truly on there and what do you want your audience to actually DO beyond interact on social media?

Once you figure out your goal, that’s when you want to take a look at your current content you have planned or your current style of content and see how you can change it to drive people towards the action you want them to take. And you can get really creative here, depending on the action you want them to take.

Like I mentioned earlier, you can straight up post about what you want them to do, like buy a product, invest in a service, get on your email list, go to your blog, or click your affiliate link. You can also talk about problems that your goal can help them solve, the outcome or benefits for them of taking whatever action you want them to take. A big one is sharing social proof of others who have taken whatever action it is that you want them to take. Share customer reviews of those who bought your product or service. Share a screenshot of google or facebook reviews people have left you. Share messages clients have sent you with their wins, transformations, or outcomes. Share positive messages of those who have emailed you or posted in your facebook group! That social proof is gold for whatever you’re doing because it shows that 1. You can be trusted, 2. People are getting results or loving whatever you’re offering, and 3. That your followers are not the first people to do this (because people don’t like to be the first to do anything. They want to follow that herd mentality because of human nature, and are more likely to do something when they know others before them have done the same thing).

Create content that will lead people to the action you want them to take, as well as get them warmed up to the idea. Talk about it frequently and work it into as much of your content as you can, whether that’s posts for the feed, stories, live videos, IGTV or youtube videos, etc. The more you talk about the action you want them to take, the more likely they will be to take the action. So take a look at all of the content you post in a week or a month and make sure it’s reflecting the action you want your followers to take that will help you make progress towards your big goal!


So that’s a social media content strategy in a nutshell. Of course there is SO MUCH more to it than this, and there is so much more to what goes into a content strategy for social media and a strategy beyond social media, but this is a great place to start and something that we all need to evaluate from time to time to make sure we’re creating the content that will actually make progress in our businesses!

Now it’s your turn. Make sure you take some time today to take a look at your social media content strategy and make sure you know WHY you’re on social media for your business! & If you’re still confused on how this can work for your business or you just  need to talk to a marketing strategist & figure out the best way to grow YOUR specific business online, then let's do that on a free strategy call!

In 45 minutes, we will

evaluate what's not working with your current marketing strategy,

uncover the perfect strategies for you based on YOUR specific ideal customer, brand, personality, and lifestyle....

✅ PLUS give you a list of ways to jumpstart your journey with tools, educational resources, & coaching!

Ready to see how big your business can really grow? Book your free strategy call here>>  [ iamcourtneyjo.com/bookfreecall  ] 


about the blogger

Hey babe! I’m Courtney Jo! I’m a content creator who coaches babes in biz on how to create their dream life of freedom through content creation, business, and mindset! I’m also an award winning, nationally recognized portrait photographer and I sling some amazing natural hair and skin care products on the side that has changed my confidence and life!w


binge the recent posts


I’m Courtney Jo! A business coach, podcaster, photographer and shampoo slinger, with a goal to help boss babes create their dream life through content creation & marketing!
xoxo, Courtney Jo


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