How I steadily grow my following every month in just 15 minutes every day

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How I  steadily grow my following every month in just 15 minutes every day


Ever get the feeling like growing your business on social media is hopeless these days? Like, unless you’re paying a hell of a lot of money for ads, no one is seeing your content or finding you. You have no clue how people grow using hashtags, and you’re like THIS close to forking over a decent chunk of change to some random account that cold-messaged you saying they can grow your account using a bot. If that’s where you are, we need to talk because sis, I know the struggle and I have to tell you that you’re missing a huge piece of the puzzle. Growing organically (for free) is totally and completely possible, even today with the ever-changing enigma that is the algorithm. One of the easiest ways I’ve found over the last 6 months to do this? GIVING ENGAGEMENT


what is it?

So what do i mean by giving engagement? I mean that I’m not sitting around and waiting for people to engage with my content. I’m going out there and actively engaging with those who are my ideal audience…. And IDEAL AUDIENCE is an important key there. I’m not just going out there and just engaging on any and every post that I can get my hands on (that will lead to getting banned thanks to spammers and bots). I actively search for people who would be my ideal audience and then I show their content some genuine and real love.


how it works

So how does this help you to grow your business? Well there’s a few different, but one of the big ones has to do with something other than the dreaded algorithm. At the core of it is this - you’re forming relationships and using the platform for what it was intended for: being social. You are reaching out and showing love to people who are your ideal followers. You’re starting the conversations and the relationships on a genuine level (not trying to play the follow/unfollow game or spam ‘till you follow me game). When you connect with people on an honest level, that's when you start the process of gaining raving fans that then turn into clients that grow your business. It’s all about nurturing those relationships! (Oh and by engaging with other people, your own content will get a little boost in the algorithm as well. Think of it as a reward for using the platform as they want you too. More people seeing your content > more value given > more people trusting you > more clients to grow your business).


why 15 minutes

Now let’s chat about that whole “just 15 minutes” part of the title, because you’re probably like, wait how does that fit in? Here’s the deal - we could sit on social and give engagement all day in hopes it would give us a “MEGA BOOST” in the algorithm (ps it won’t- it will actually hurt you because you look like a spammer / bot), but we’re running a business - we don’t have time for that. We have to remember that when it comes to social media and turning our audience into raving fans and then into customers - this is not a sprint to the finish line. It’s the slowest marathon you’ve ever run - one where you feel like you’re about to collapse and simultaneously burst into flames. It’s a slow process that can’t be rushed. That's why I only set aside 15 minutes every day to give engagement, and then I put my phone away and get back to running my business.


So, are you ready to start growing your following organically and getting those raving fans that become loving clients all from engaging on social media? It might not be an easy fix or fast track your results, but it is a solid long term strategy when it comes to gaining, converting, and retaining your audience and clients! Just give it a try for 30 days and see what happens!

Oh and if you’re curious about exactly how I do this in 15 minutes a day and you want to know exactly what I do in those 15 minutes to grow my business, then grab a notebook and hit that button below to instantly watch the webinar I created for you where I break down my 4 daily tasks that I do to give engagement on social media in just 15 minutes every day


about the blogger

Hey babe! I’m Courtney Jo! I’m a content creator who coaches babes in biz on how to create their dream life of freedom through content creation, business, and mindset! I’m also an award winning, nationally recognized portrait photographer and I sling some amazing natural hair and skin care products on the side that has changed my confidence and life!w


binge the recent posts


I’m Courtney Jo! A business coach, podcaster, photographer and shampoo slinger, with a goal to help boss babes create their dream life through content creation & marketing!
xoxo, Courtney Jo


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